Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, first online, pp. 1-13

On certain $GL(6)$ form and its Rankin-Selberg convolution

Amrinder Kaur, Ayyadurai Sankaranarayanan

Received August 2, 2023.   Published online February 9, 2024.

Abstract:  We consider $L_G(s)$ to be the $L$-function attached to a particular automorphic form $G$ on $GL(6)$. We establish an upper bound for the mean square estimate on the critical line of Rankin-Selberg $L$-function $L_{G \times G}(s)$. As an application of this result, we give an asymptotic formula for the discrete sum of coefficients of $L_{G \times G}(s)$.
Keywords:  Maass form; automorphic form; Rankin-Selberg convolution
Classification MSC:  11F12, 11F30, 11N75

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Affiliations:   Amrinder Kaur (corresponding author), Ayyadurai Sankaranarayanan, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500046, India, e-mail:,

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