Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 273-279, 2018
Remarks on balanced norm error estimates for systems of reaction-diffusion equations
Hans-Goerg Roos
Received March 8, 2018. Published online May 22, 2018.
Abstract: Error estimates of finite element methods for reaction-diffusion problems are often realized in the related energy norm. In the singularly perturbed case, however, this norm is not adequate. A different scaling of the $H^1$ seminorm leads to a balanced norm which reflects the layer behavior correctly. We discuss the difficulties which arise for systems of reaction-diffusion problems.
Keywords: singular perturbation; finite element method; layer-adapted mesh; balanced norm
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Affiliations: Hans-Goerg Roos, Faculty of Mathematics, Technical University Dresden, Zellescher Weg 12-14, 01062 Dresden, Germany, e-mail: