Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 455-481, 2018
Reconstruction of map projection, its inverse and re-projection
Tomáš Bayer, Milada Kočandrlová
Received March 31, 2018. Published online July 20, 2018.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the automatic recognition of map projection, its inverse and re-projection. Our analysis leads to the unconstrained optimization solved by the hybrid BFGS nonlinear least squares technique. The objective function is represented by the squared sum of the residuals. For the map re-projection the partial differential equations of the inverse transformation are derived. They can be applied to any map projection. Illustrative examples of the stereographic and globular Nicolosi projections frequently used in early maps are involved and their inverse formulas are presented.
Keywords: mathematical cartography; inverse projection; analysis; nonlinear least squares; partial differential equation; optimization; hybrid BFGS; early map; re-projection
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Affiliations: Tomáš Bayer, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 6, Praha 2, 120 78, Czech Republic, e-mail:; Milada Kočandrlová, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics, nám. W. Churchilla 1938/4, Praha 3, 130 67, Czech Republic, e-mail: