Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 399-422, 2018
Entry-exit decisions with implementation delay under uncertainty
Yong-Chao Zhang
Received July 29, 2017. Published online June 18, 2018.
Abstract: We employ a natural method from the perspective of the optimal stopping theory to analyze entry-exit decisions with implementation delay of a project, and provide closed expressions for optimal entry decision times, optimal exit decision times, and the maximal expected present value of the project. The results in conventional research were obtained under the restriction that the sum of the entry cost and exit cost is nonnegative. In practice, we may meet cases when this sum is negative, so it is necessary to remove the restriction. If the sum is negative, there may exist two trigger prices of entry decision, which does not happen when the sum is nonnegative, and it is not optimal to enter and then immediately exit the project even though it is an arbitrage opportunity.
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Affiliations: Yong-Chao Zhang, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, Taishan Road 143, Qinhuangdao 066004, China, e-mail: