Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 1235-1248, 2021

Projectively equivariant quantization and symbol on supercircle $S^{1|3}$

Taher Bichr

Received March 30, 2019.   Published online September 20, 2021.

Abstract:  Let $\mathcal{D}_{\lambda,\mu} $ be the space of linear differential operators on weighted densities from $\mathcal{F}_{\lambda}$ to $\mathcal{F}_{\mu}$ as module over the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{osp}(3|2)$, where $\mathcal{F}_{\lambda} $, $l\in\nobreak\mathbb{C}$ is the space of tensor densities of degree $\lambda$ on the supercircle $S^{1|3}$. We prove the existence and uniqueness of projectively equivariant quantization map from the space of symbols to the space of differential operators. An explicite expression of this map is also given.
Keywords:  differential operator; density; equivariant quantization and orthosymplectic algebra
Classification MSC:  53D10, 17B66, 17B10

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Affiliations:   Taher Bichr, Département de Mathématiques, Faculté des sciences de Sfax, Route de la Soukra km 4, 3000 Sfax BP 1171, Tunisia, e-mail:

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