Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 289-296, 2025
Characterization of shadowing for linear autonomous delay differential equations
Mihály Pituk, John Ioannis Stavroulakis
Received April 22, 2023. Published online March 20, 2024. OPEN ACCESS
Abstract: A well-known shadowing theorem for ordinary differential equations is generalized to delay differential equations. It is shown that a linear autonomous delay differential equation is shadowable if and only if its characteristic equation has no root on the imaginary axis. The proof is based on the decomposition theory of linear delay differential equations.
Keywords: delay differential equation; linear autonomous equation; shadowing
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Affiliations: Mihály Pituk (corresponding author), Department of Mathematics, University of Pannonia, Egyetem út 10, 8200 Veszprém, Hungary and HUN-REN- ELTE Numerical Analysis and Large Networks Research Group, Budapest Hungary, e-mail:; John Ioannis Stavroulakis, Department of Mathematics, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel, e-mail:,