Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 697-714, 2024

The covariety of perfect numerical semigroups with fixed Frobenius number

María Ángeles Moreno-Frías, José Carlos Rosales

Received August 16, 2023.   Published online July 15, 2024.

Abstract:  Let $S$ be a numerical semigroup. We say that $h\in\mathbb{N} \backslash S$ is an isolated gap of $S$ if $\{h-1,h+1\}\subseteq S.$ A numerical semigroup without isolated gaps is called a perfect numerical semigroup. Denote by ${\rm m} (S)$ the multiplicity of a numerical semigroup $S$. A covariety is a nonempty family $\scr{C}$ of numerical semigroups that fulfills the following conditions: there exists the minimum of $\scr{C},$ the intersection of two elements of $\scr{C}$ is again an element of $\scr{C}$, and $S\backslash\{{\rm m}(S)\}\in\scr{C}$ for all $S\in\scr{C}$ such that $S\neq\min(\scr{C}).$ We prove that the set $\scr{P}(F)=\{S\colon S$ is a perfect numerical semigroup with Frobenius number $F\}$ is a covariety. Also, we describe three algorithms which compute: the set $\scr{P}(F),$ the maximal elements of $\scr{P}(F)$, and the elements of $\scr{P}(F)$ with a given genus. A ${\rm Parf}$-semigroup (or ${\rm Psat}$-semigroup) is a perfect numerical semigroup that in addition is an Arf numerical semigroup (or saturated numerical semigroup), respectively. We prove that the sets ${\rm Parf}(F)=\{S\colon S$ is a ${\rm Parf}$-numerical semigroup with Frobenius number $F\}$ and ${\rm Psat}(F)=\{S\colon S$ is a ${\rm Psat}$-numerical semigroup with Frobenius number $F\}$ are covarieties. As a consequence we present some algorithms to compute ${\rm Parf}(F)$ and ${\rm Psat}(F).$
Keywords:  perfect numerical semigroup; saturated numerical semigroup; Arf numerical semigroup; covariety; Frobenius number; genus; algorithm
Classification MSC:  20M14, 11D07, 13H10

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Affiliations:   María Ángeles Moreno-Frías (corresponding author), Department of Math, Faculty of Sciences, Cádiz University, E-11510, Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain, e-mail:; José Carlos Rosales, Department of Algebra, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, E-18071, Granada, Spain, e-mail:

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