On generalized bihyperbolic third-order Jacobsthal polynomials
Gamaliel Cerda-Morales
Received March 30, 2024. Published online December 6, 2024.
Abstract: A new generalization of third-order Jacobsthal bihyperbolic polynomials is introduced. Some of the properties of presented polynomials are given. A general Vajda formula for the generalized bihyperbolic third-order Jacobsthal polynomials is obtained. This result implies the Catalan, Cassini and d'Ocagne identities. Moreover, generating function and matrix generators for these polynomials are presented.
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Affiliations: Gamaliel Cerda-Morales, Instituto de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Blanco Viel 596, Valparaíso, Chile, e-mail: gamaliel.cerda.m@mail.pucv.cl