Mathematica Bohemica, Vol. 150, No. 1, pp. 85-98, 2025
Uniqueness results for differential polynomials sharing a set
Soniya Sultana, Pulak Sahoo
Received July 28, 2023. Published online June 17, 2024.
Abstract: We investigate the uniqueness results of meromorphic functions if differential polynomials of the form $(Q(f))^{(k)}$ and $(Q(g))^{(k)}$ share a set counting multiplicities or ignoring multiplicities, where $Q$ is a polynomial of one variable. We give suitable conditions on the degree of $Q$ and on the number of zeros and the multiplicities of the zeros of $Q'$. The results of the paper generalize some results due to T. T. H. An and N. V. Phuong (2017) and that of N. V. Phuong (2021).
Keywords: uniqueness; differential polynomials; set sharing; small function
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Affiliations: Soniya Sultana, Department of Mathematics, Berhampore Girls' College, Shankar Mandal Rd, Gora Bazar, Berhampore, West Bengal 742101, India, e-mail:; Pulak Sahoo (corresponding author), Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal 741235, India, e-mail: