Mathematica Bohemica, first online, pp. 1-9

Some annihilator ideals in skew Hurwitz series rings

Amit B. Singh, Deepa Arora

Received June 13, 2024.   Published online January 17, 2025.

Abstract:  A ring $R$ has right (left) property (A) if for every finitely generated two-sided ideal $I\subseteq Z_l(R)$ $(I\subseteq Z_r(R))$, there exists nonzero $u\in R$ $(v\in R)$ such that $Iu=0$ $(vI=0)$. In this article, we establish a relationship between a ring with property (A) and its skew Hurwitz series ring $(H\!R, \omega)$, where $\omega$ is an endomorphism of $R$. Also some properties of strongly right AB ring for skew Hurwitz series rings are studied.
Keywords:  ring with right property (A); skew Hurwitz series ring; $\omega$-compatible ring
Classification MSC:  16D25, 16D70, 16S34

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Affiliations:   Amit B. Singh (corresponding author), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jamia Hamdard (Deemed to be University), Mehrauli-Badarpur Rd, New Delhi-110062, India, e-mail:, Deepa Arora, Department of Mathematics, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad 121004, Haryana, India, e-mail:

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